dressing gown

As my Mum’s physical and mental health worsened she began to live in her dressing gown. It was bad enough that she’d had it forever (knitted by her grandmother, it was purple with random ‘animals’ on it) but now she was wearing it every time we saw her. She literally lived in it and we all grew to hate the sight of it.

When she got really sick, she moved in with her brother and sister in law. Her sister in law takes no crap and after a couple of weeks got Mum to get rid of the hideous dressing gown and we were relieved when we found out.

Only for Mum to move out a few months later and replace it with a new, just as hideous dressing gown which she proceeded to wear until the day she died.

So, my object is actually the second dressing gown because we were all able to laugh about the fact that we all jointly hated it the moment we saw her in it.